Representatives from the Belize Poultry Association’s Poultry Health Committee (representation from each commercial sector) are meeting this morning with technical personnel from the Ministry of Agriculture, BAHA, IICA and OIRSA to review and update the Avian Influenza Emergency Preparedness and Response Policy Plan to be prepared in the event of an incursion of Avian Influenza into Belize.
The expected outcome of the meeting is for all poultry key stakeholders and producers to agree on implementing the biosecurity practices stipulated in the comprehensive plan. The meeting is being held at Belmopan at the Quality Poultry Conference Room. Belize remains free of Avian Influenza through rigorous surveillance and strengthened biosecurity even though it has been detected in the region.
H5N1, also known as bird flu, is a highly infectious and contagious disease affecting birds and mammals inclusive of humans. It can present with high mortality, severe respiratory, nervous and digestive disease in birds. Overall, the goal is to maintain Belize free of AI by implementing the One Health approach.