— the perfect blend of friendliness, adaptability, and low maintenance. With their unique qualities, Katahdins are an excellent addition to any small farm. Through the Sheep and Goat Breeding Center we bring to you a golden opportunity to enhance and upgrade your herd, thanks to the support of the Taiwan Government and the Government of Belize.
Developed in Maine, USA, the Katahdin sheep is known for superior carcass quality. Shedding their winter coat naturally, these medium to large-sized sheep require minimal maintenance.
Their docile and friendly nature makes Katahdins easy to handle and seamlessly integrate into flocks, cultivating a positive and stress-free farming environment. With minimal treatment requirements, Katahdins demonstrate hardiness and health, ensuring a hassle-free farming experience while reducing dependence on parasite control.
Katahdins display a loving and protective instinct towards their lambs, enhancing the nurturing environment and contributing to the well-being and growth of the flock. Perfect for beginners and novice livestock keepers, their easy-to-handle demeanor makes them an excellent choice for those new to sheep farming.
Moderately social yet capable of venturing alone when feeling secure, Katahdins offer flexibility in communal living, ensuring individual sheep feel safe and content. Available in various shades, including white, brown, black, and red, they add visual diversity to the farm.
With a size range that strikes the perfect balance for small-scale farming – rams weighing 180–250 pounds and ewes weighing 125–185 pounds – Katahdins provide manageable size and strength. Ensuring comfort, protection, and peace of mind for both the farmer and the flock, Katahdins require wood shelters with proper ventilation and sheep-proof fencing for secure enclosures.
Their diet primarily consists of pasture grazing, supplemented with hay as needed, promoting the well-being and nutrition of Katahdin sheep and contributing to their overall health. Ewes and rams mature early, with ewes ready to breed at 10-12 months, supporting early and efficient reproduction cycles, and contributing to the growth and sustainability of the flock. A mature Katahdin ram thrives with a maximum of 30 ewes per breeding season.
Introduce rams only during mating time for improved record-keeping and optimal management.
Enjoying long, healthy lives due to mixed genetics and resistance to health issues, Katahdin sheep ensure a prolonged and productive lifespan, maximizing the benefits derived from each individual in the flock. Easily crossbred, Katahdin sheep produce offspring with shedding hair coats after about three generations, facilitating breed diversity and contributing to the development of resilient and adaptable sheep.
Contact us today at phone number 824-3032 to explore the world of Katahdin sheep and take your farming endeavors to new heights.